- Lower your microns of filtration while saving 300% of the water.

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Green Filter Technology

Public Pools

Natural Oxygen, Ionic Copper, Carbon Dioxide and Glasspack® Media

• 6 watts DC per 50,000 US gallons
• Save 50 to 80% of chemicals
• ZERO chloramine (properly sized)
• ZERO chloride backwash
• ZERO cyanuric acid
• ZERO flocculent

Guatemala Commercial Pool - Spanish Video
92,000 Gallons, 2009, Glass 2010, 70 Swims per day


2014--Twelve Year Testimonial


(Click photo for full testimonial)

Aragon, Spain
750,000 gallons
Yr. 2000
1,500 Swims per day

Golden Bay, New Zealand
150,000 gallons
Yr. 2005
150 Swims per day

Topsham, UK
100,000 gallons
Yr. 2007
150 Swims per day

Highland Park, New York
The Highland Park Community Pool is running six Ecosmarte Programmble Pool controllers with Carbon Dioxide PH Control along with the recently certified NSF 50 Glasspack filter media on its sand filters. Pool operators report the highest clarity level in 14 years. The pool is 335,000 Gallons and swims 300 to 400 people per day.


Aragon, Spain


General County Council of Aragon

"We would like to express you our great satisfaction for results we had got after installation of the ECOsmarte System in our Olympic pool on November 2000. That had influence in a drastic reduction of chemicals (We consumed more than 66 gal. Sodium Hipoclorite a day and only 6 gal. now) and additionally an exceptional water quality, what merit us, congratulations from Waterpolo National Team (World Champion Team, nowadays) that opened this sportive installation and different teams participating in past King Cup Championship celebrated in our pool, because they considered the system free swimmers from inconvenient atmosphere created by chloramine-charged water, getting a reduction of tiredness and a higher sport productivity of each player. All of them considered that our pool is a model of treatment water and its conditions are excellent, breathing very well, and no irritation has to be suffered."

"With ECOsmarte we can state now, we have got higher physic-chemical, bacteriological and organoleptical water quality."

Antonio Cesar Ronchel
Executive Chief Sportive Park, Ebro River
May, 2002


Golden Bay, New Zealand


I checked the pool today and it is running beautifully and as clear as a bell, everything running very steady. One of the people in charge of the pool monitoring told me he is extremely impressed at how little chlorine is needed to keep the levels between 0.5 ppm to 1.0 ppm with an average chlorine reading of 0.5017857 ppm over a two week period.

They have cut their chlorine consumption by a huge amount: I will be able to get an exact figure over a longer period than 2 weeks but just in comparison: they used to use one drum of mixed chlorine every few days now their present drum ¾ full after three weeks of use so it will be interesting to see how long this drum will last at this rate.

Brad, Water Care Naturally
December, 2006

Topsham, UK


As it is now almost four months since you installed the ECOsmarte system at Topsham Pool, and we are nearly at the end of our season, I thought now is a good time to update you on our progress so far.

We are delighted with the result. The water is really crystal clear and a joy to swim in and is just like swimming in bottled water - no more complaints of stinging eyes or costumes losing their colour. In fact we have not had a single complaint about the pool water this year.

As you know, we are a privately owned 25 x 10 metre pool open to the general public. Since you installed Eco Smarte we have had approximately 35,000 swimmers to the pool and it is amazing the number of people that have commented on the quality of the water. The most asked question is "How do you manage to keep your pool water so good?" One couple told me that they had travelled all over the world and had never had a swim in pool water so good.

At our busiest time, on a good sunny day when the pool is crowded all day, the water quality stays the same. We don't have the cloudy effect after a heavy bathing load that we used to get when dosing with chlorine.

I would just add that all the committee are more than pleased with the results of ECO Smarte it was money very well spent. I would have no hesitation in recommending ECO Smarte in any future installations.

Kind Regards,
Cyril Harrison, President
Topsham Swimming Pool
United Kingdom

Cape Town, South Africa


Capetown here again , just to update you on the changes we made to the pool. Increased Copper to 0.7ppm. Increased Oxygen to 14hours.Test done on water today. All excellent zero readings for all bacteria/coliform etc.

Well done Mike you are a real PRO! Will keep you updated. Do you have a Auto sensor for the copper readings?

Dave Peters

Bridgeton, New Jersey 2010 Commercial Pool


Hi Sylvia,

It was good talking to you today. It has been a few months since meeting you guys in Minn/St. Paul.

You inquired of our experience with the ECOsmarte system and the Glass Media. We have made several installations in various applications; we wanted to find out where we could use the ECOsmarte system and Glass Media.

We have been in business since 1967 (43 yrs). In those 43 years we have tried pretty much all the different products offered to solve our water problems. Basically, we were a water softening business, selling and installing neutralizing filters and water softeners. I looked into the ECOsmarte system hoping for something new (salt free) that worked. I mention our time in business gives us some creditability.

We made several installations in different applications and are very pleased with the results. You asked about the Glass Media. In several small residential pools we have rebed the sand filters to Glass Media with great success. We upgraded a commercial swim club converting their 3000 pound sand filter to 3000 pound Glass Media.

The following is some of the data:

Georgetown Swim Club
Manor Lane
Bridgeton, N.J. 08302
Linda Carman Manager

Pool 110,000 gallons

When using the sand filter:
Pool needed to backwash every other day
Took 20 minutes

After rebedding with the Glass Media:
Pool needed to backwash every 7 days
Takes 8 minutes

I haven't figured the sewer and water savings.
Saved $2700.00 in chemicals. Next year should be a lot more because we will have a full season using the ECOsmarte system with the Glass Media.

Some comments from pool members and visiting members from other clubs during a swim meet:

The pool has never been so clear, the water sparkles
Swim suits are lasting longer, I haven't had to replace my kids swimming suit this year.
From my grandchildren: Pop-pop, my hair feels better and I like the feel of the water.

What did you do to your pool? The lane lines are so sharp, the water actually sparkles.

Sylvia, we are and those who we converted the sand filters are very satisfied with the quality of water after rebedding the filters. Don't hesitate to recommend the Glass Media. Our experience with the product has been very satisfying.

We have made installations on lawn irrigation systems and doing a great job.

Note: I installed a system in my home 8 months ago. Strange as it seems, after hearing the comments from my customers, pool members and guests, my comment to myself at that time when looking at the water in our toilet bowl was, "that water sparkles".

If you have any questions or if I can be any help please give me a call at 856-451-0620.

Dave Wilson 

Highland Park, New York 2011 - 335,000 Gallons


Our water has never looked so clear or gotten so many compliments from our 300 to 400 daily swimmers. We are running 1.0 FREE chlorine, 4ppm copper and the Glasspark®.

Bob Watts

Technical Information

Technical Specs
Chloramine discussion
Typical Retail Pricing/Install photos
Successful Previous Configurations

Commercial Pool Configurations


public pools

Purchashing Options

Talk with a water filtration expert

  • 1-800-466-7946 - North America
  • (612)-866-1200 - International


Glass Pack® Installation Video

No odor, no algae, no bagfilters

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Glass Pack® is made from 100% Post Consumer WasteGlass Pack® is a product of EcoSmarte